
Showing posts from February, 2013

Bhangra Empire

I love Indian dance! I saw this video a few weeks ago and thought it was so legit! I am currently in an Indian dance class right now, but our Bhangra routines about about 1/4 of how long theirs are...they must have rockin' calves!  It's crazy to me how much Indian culture/dance is now being portrayed in America's media. They have a pretty big industry themselves, but it is finally starting to catch on here in The States. This particular group is from California, but they dance like they are in India. It's awesome!  This new fascination with India makes me wonder, why so popular now? Why the sudden interest in Indian films/media? I mean, their storylines and acting can get pretty cheesy, but we seem to love them still. Does it remind us of how it used to be in American films? Is it because we love the constant singing and dancing? I'm not sure if I quite know the answer to this, but what are your thoughts?

One word...WHY?!

After watching the season three finale of Downton Abbey, I only have one word to say...WHY?! Why did it have to end that way?! Why, when everything was resolving, did everything have to completely turn upside down?! If you couldn't already tell, I like happy endings. In fact, I love them. I seriously HATE it when movies, television shows, literature, etc. end badly! Call me traditional, but I just can't get over those fairy tale endings! Okay, but really creators of Downton....did you have to kill off another one of the key characters? And in the same season too? Now, I understand that the actual actors are looking for a little more freedom and wanted to leave Downton Abbey on their own, but I honestly think that the show won't be the same. I would like to believe it will be, but I just don't know if it can recover from the blows it has been dealt this season. All we can do is wait...time will tell (unfortunately another year!). Alright, so you are probably wond

A little part of my childhood

            Recognize this song at all? :) Almost anyone can attest to the fact that I have a great love for Arthur ! (Seriously, just ask my roommate how many times I reference Arthur in a week...ha ha).  I love both the books and the television program.    Arthur tells the story of an 8 year old aardvark and his adventures in Elwood City.  These adventures usually consisted what happens in the daily life of an 8 year old, and also included some kind of moral lesson that either Arthur or one of the supporting characters learned.                One important reason as to why Arthur  was my favorite is because of the variety in topics that each story was about.  I felt that I could relate to Arthur’s every-day experiences, like writing to a pen pal, or participating in a spelling bee.  This ultimately made it easier for me to feel normal as a kid.  I also liked how Mark Brown (the author) penned Arthur to make mistakes; it made him seem more real and relatable.  One of

A Long Awaited Review

Alright folks. I've been meaning to do this for a VERY long time. Literally almost a month. So sorry it has taken me so long! What I'm talking about are my opinions on th e BYU production of 'The Phantom of the Opera'! *I just have to start by prefacing that 'Phantom' is not my favorite musical. In fact, I generally have a dislike for it because of its weird plot and lacking story line  However, my views previous to seeing BYU's production have changed as detailed in the following post.* First of all, can I just say INCREDIBLE!!! As a whole, the musical really was astounding. I was SO impressed with the vocals, acting, set, the live orchestra...everything! I didn't know what to expect, but whatever my expectations were, they were blown out of the water. I loved the interpretation of the set. For example, how they used the fringe to reflect pictures and videos throughout the play...brilliant! This element really added to the boat scene, the cem

My Favorite Books!

A list of my top 5 favorite books: 1) Jane Eyre 2) The Scarlet Pimpernel 3) Dracula 4) Harry Potter  (The whole series...although the 6th is my favorite in the series) 5) Pride and Prejudice

What's Your Song?

The topic in class this week has been music! If you think about it, music influences almost everything! We can experience some of our best moments with music. It also can be a VERY effective tool in helping us to figure out our identities.  At the end of class today, my professor asked us, "What's your song?". Now I do have to say that I knew almost immediately what mine would be (thank you Brooke for making me pick a theme song a couple of years ago!), but it was still great for me to think about why this particular song was mine. The song I picked was "Dancing Queen" by ABBA.  :) If you know me, this song makes complete sense! I love dancing and have been doing it for a very long time. Every time I hear this song, I can barely contain my urge to dance! I also love this song because it reminds me of my sister, Sara. When we were younger (I was probably 11 and she was 14), we would put on our ABBA Gold CD and do some choreography we had made up to this s