What's Your Song?

The topic in class this week has been music! If you think about it, music influences almost everything! We can experience some of our best moments with music. It also can be a VERY effective tool in helping us to figure out our identities.  At the end of class today, my professor asked us, "What's your song?".

Now I do have to say that I knew almost immediately what mine would be (thank you Brooke for making me pick a theme song a couple of years ago!), but it was still great for me to think about why this particular song was mine.

The song I picked was "Dancing Queen" by ABBA.  :)

If you know me, this song makes complete sense! I love dancing and have been doing it for a very long time. Every time I hear this song, I can barely contain my urge to dance!

I also love this song because it reminds me of my sister, Sara. When we were younger (I was probably 11 and she was 14), we would put on our ABBA Gold CD and do some choreography we had made up to this song. I particularly remember that during the part where the synthesizer sounds like a violin, we would put up our arms and pretend to rock out on the violin. Sometimes we even still do that just to get a few laughs. :)

Another reason why I love this song is that it is just an upbeat and energetic song, which I feel reflects my personality pretty well. It has that retro/disco vibe and I love it! It almost describes me to a "T". :)

So now that I have told you my song, I want to know yours. Tell me the reasons why you love the song you pick and how it describes you. While you're deciding, here's a little mood music to help you out. :)


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