A Long Awaited Review

Alright folks. I've been meaning to do this for a VERY long time. Literally almost a month. So sorry it has taken me so long!

What I'm talking about are my opinions on the BYU production of 'The Phantom of the Opera'!
*I just have to start by prefacing that 'Phantom' is not my favorite musical. In fact, I generally have a dislike for it because of its weird plot and lacking story line  However, my views previous to seeing BYU's production have changed as detailed in the following post.*
First of all, can I just say INCREDIBLE!!!

As a whole, the musical really was astounding. I was SO impressed with the vocals, acting, set, the live orchestra...everything! I didn't know what to expect, but whatever my expectations were, they were blown out of the water. I loved the interpretation of the set. For example, how they used the fringe to reflect pictures and videos throughout the play...brilliant! This element really added to the boat scene, the cemetery scene, and more. (Although, I do have to say that some of the pictures of the Phantom were a little cheesy...ha ha).

Next, I LOVED the singing. I seriously want to marry the guy who played Phantom. (Too bad he's engaged...) Ha ha but really his voice was much better than a lot of singers I have seen on Broadway. The tone was so rich and powerful; he never had to strain to reach any note. I also loved the passion he portrayed in his singing and acting. I wouldn't doubt it if he made it big one day. The rest of the cast also had incredible voices; I was not disappointed by anyone's singing or acting. All of the main characters were spot on.

The costuming was also very well done. The bright colors and attention to detail was evidence that not only the cast had worked hard on 'Phantom', but all of the people behind the stage who made the costumes, sets, choreographed the dances, etc. did too. One particular costume that I thought was fantastic was the Phantom's during the masquerade. I mean it was kinda creepy (especially when the giant skull started yelling at you...!), but it sure did its job and had the exact effect I think the director wanted!  The director's interpretation of how the play should have really looked added to the overall success of the play.

There is so much more that I could go on and on about, but just so I don't overload you with text, here is a quick list of other things I loved:

  • The live music! I loved having a real orchestra in the pit and man I've got to tell you that the first opening stances of music when the chandelier lifts up sent chills down my spine!
  • When the Phantom was leading Christine around the stage during the actual "Phantom of the Opera" song was awesome!  I thought it was such a cool effect to have multiple Christines being led around different parts of the stage.
  • How they portrayed the rope at the end of the play and OF COURSE how the Phantom disappeared into the seat in the final scene! Both such amazing ideas!
  • That it was so different from the movie. This made it better in my opinion!
  • And last, but not least, how family friendly and clean it was.  In "Past the Point of No Return", Christine actually realized that the Phantom was bad for her; she didn't fall into the temptation knowingly because of her deeper love for Raoul. So great.
Ultimately, I loved it. I loved it so much.  I came away thinking about the compassion I show to others, especially those who have worse plights than mine. I hope you all got to see it and if you didn't, you missed out!


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