
Showing posts from January, 2013

A Great Power

As I was listening to an online radio station today, a song came on by Mumford & Sons. They have become a new and recent obsession of mine and I had to ask myself why? Why did I start listening to them in the first place? Regrettably, my answer to that is because of a boy. Well...because of a boy and some friends of mine. They all have been urging me to listen to Mumford & Sons for weeks, and once I finally caved in, I decided I really liked them! When I came to this conclusion, however, I realized that my friends have some of the strongest influences on me! And perhaps even stronger than those are the opinions of the boys I am interested in dating! Now to me this sounds like something that would happen in Junior High, but I would bet that this still happens to most of us. It's not because we are easily persuaded and incapable of forming our own opinions. On the contrary, it's because we value what our friends (and potential boyfriends/girlfriends) say. The people who

Love me some Sherlock

What is it: one of my new favorite shows on the telly! When it became a favorite: over the holidays Why it became a favorite: Multiple answers to this one... :) Why I consider 'Sherlock' one of my new favorite television shows: Because it's British and I love almost everything British. Benedict Cumberbatch  is the PERFECT Sherlock Holmes - his wit and tendency to be a smart-Alec  only make him that much more lovable. Martin Freeman = Bilbo...need I say more. The location of the show brings back so many good memories! I love listening to the differences in their English dialect and makes me feel really cool when I know what they are talking about and other Americans don't :) It is a great drama series that really keeps me on the edge of my seat!  It's refreshing to see real actors on T.V. Sherlock (Benedict Cumberbatch) is hilarious. I've included just a few reasons why I love it and so feel free to comment on wh

The Invasion of Historical Media

On Monday, my roommate and I decided to treat ourselves to a movie after a day (mostly) full of homework.  In accordance with and completely coincidentally, we decided to go see the new Steven Spielberg movie, 'Lincoln'.  Being Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, we felt very patriotic and satisfied with our decision. Overall, the movie was really great, but it came as a surprise to me that the film only showed the last 4 months of "Honest Abe's" life.  I guess I was expecting 2 1/2 hours of Lincoln's whole life in a nutshell!......but apparently that would be a lot to cram into a movie. :)  However, it got me thinking about why the film-makers only wanted to show this small period in time.  I came up with this answer: the last few months of President Lincoln's life were VERY important in U.S. history. The abolition of slavery happened, which ultimately began the process for attaining equal rights. Now I may be starting to sound like a little bit of a ner

A Sunday Goodie

Although media has the stereotype of being solely "bad", messages displayed through media like this remind me of reasons why media can be a good thing! I am a big proponent of Mormon Messages. I truly believe that they can uplift, inspire, and teach us many new truths, as well as remind us of many old ones. Brittany's story of hope in the midst of despair really touches me. The amount of service that she gives is absolutely astounding! I am just blown away that she can get up every day, try to live a normal life, AND still think of others enough to make sock monkeys and coloring books for donations. That is one special girl. I hope that her story inspires you as much as it inspired me! God does lift us up and will continue to lift us up no matter what. He loves us that much and more! Have a great rest of your Sunday! Katie

My New Interest in Media

Hello there! It's been awhile since I last posted, but I now have the wonderful opportunity to post a lot more because of a class I am in this semester! Currently, I am enrolled in SFL 358: Media, Family, and Human Development.  I will be learning all about how media affects families, their interactions with each other, and individual family member's personal identity development. I'm stoked! For this class, I am required to post twice a week about some form of media...this would include my thoughts, beliefs, or perceptions about the media selection I chose. This week, I decided to post about nothing other than one of my greatest loves. DANCE. I have been dancing for over 10 years now and all I can say is that it is a part of who I am.  I love it. I love watching it, I love doing it, and I love performing it. The clip I chose to feature in this post is a performance/competitive piece done by a BYU couple at the National Dancesport Championships in 2012.  The reason