My New Interest in Media

Hello there!

It's been awhile since I last posted, but I now have the wonderful opportunity to post a lot more because of a class I am in this semester!

Currently, I am enrolled in SFL 358: Media, Family, and Human Development.  I will be learning all about how media affects families, their interactions with each other, and individual family member's personal identity development. I'm stoked!

For this class, I am required to post twice a week about some form of media...this would include my thoughts, beliefs, or perceptions about the media selection I chose.

This week, I decided to post about nothing other than one of my greatest loves. DANCE. I have been dancing for over 10 years now and all I can say is that it is a part of who I am.  I love it. I love watching it, I love doing it, and I love performing it. The clip I chose to feature in this post is a performance/competitive piece done by a BYU couple at the National Dancesport Championships in 2012.  The reason why I believe that this can be called media is because I wasn't present at the time that this was performed, therefore allowing me to WATCH it on a VIDEO clip on YouTube. 

Videos like this, as well as other television programs that feature dance, capture some of the most exquisite movements a human body can make.  The combination of true emotion and skilled technique never fails to take my breath away. I feel that so much more than dance can be expressed in performances like these.

This particular piece describes a love story.  A timeless theme. Oftentimes for me, I feel that I can relate to many stories told by dance, and this routine is no different. The main message I take away from this media clip is that once you find your love, don't let it go. Don't take it for granted. Don't let yourself love any less than your fullest potential.

The great thing about media is that it can remind us of that. It can teach and even make us believe in things like love, civility, goodness, and hope. That's what this clip brought to me and I hope it brings the same to you. Enjoy. :)


  1. I loved the descriptions you used! Very creative. It makes me want to watch more dance!


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