The BIG 2014.

Wow. What a year. I really can't believe that December is already here and 2015 is right around the corner. The fact that it will be 2015 is so surreal...wasn't it just 2000? Naturally, thinking about the new year makes me think back on this past year. This crazy, incredible, hard, and very rewarding year of 2014.

As most of you know, I spent the majority of this past year as a member of BYU's International Folk Dance Ensemble. I spent last winter, spring, and summer practicing, performing, and touring all over Arizona, Utah, Wyoming, and Europe (Belgium, France, & Switzerland). Words cannot express how incredibly rewarding this experience was and I consider myself SO lucky to have been able to do one of the things I love most (dancing and performing) for thousands of people. However, one of my absolute favorite things about being on this team was the people I met. I came to know some of the kindest, most sincere, and most loving people, whether in the audience or on the team with me. I know I have learned so many lessons and been changed for the better because of all of these people.

I also graduated this year with my Bachelor's of Science in Family Studies. As I think back to my graduation ceremonies, I remember an intense feeling of pride sweep over me and my fellow graduates. I reflected on the hours, tears, and sleepless nights I put into my studies and became amazed at how I truly did feel like BYU's aims were fulfilled in me. I definitely was spiritually strengthened, academically challenged, built in my character, and motivated to dedicate my life to continuous learning and service. I worked hard. I worked really hard. And not just in my classes, but in my job, on my dance team, and in my church callings. And it was SO worth it. I am immensely grateful for the good experiences (and the bad ones) during my college years; both molded me into who I am today.

I also ran a relay race in May, which is something I never dreamed I would do. Besides getting the opportunity to train with some of my best friends, I realized that I can do hard things. Things I don't even like, but still find the value in the toughness or unpleasantness of the experience (i.e. running :). Another very important lesson that I learned from this is that Heavenly Father does not leave us ever. A specific experience I had with this happened during my second leg of the race. It was at night, it was dark, and I was practically running along the shoulder of an old highway. About 2 miles in, I started to hear coyotes howl VERY LOUDLY and I got super scared. I also had to laugh because I had given my friend, Zach, a hard time about being afraid of coyotes that "supposedly" came out at night. I also remember thinking at the time that if I were much closer to the lane on the highway, I could very well get hit by a car and/or semi-truck. I started to worry and kept imagining the worst possible scenario that could happen to me, when up ahead, I saw flashing lights and brightly colored vests. It was my van and my incredible teammates that had gotten out of the car to make sure I was okay and to offer me water. They decided that they would not drive too far ahead or stay too far behind while I was running this leg, mostly so that I would not fear and continue to run the race as best as I could. I was always in their view. I realized that this is how our relationship with Heavenly Father is. We are never out of His view and more importantly, He is always there to help pick us back up and comfort us. No matter what. In that moment, I felt so grateful for friends who were so concerned about me, but also for friends who taught me about my relationship with Heavenly Father. When all of these thoughts were going through my mind, I began to notice how beautiful the night was and how lucky I was to have a healthy body. A thought occurred to me that I needed to pray. I may have prayed out loud, but I prayed to God right then and there, and gave thanks for creating such a beautiful earth, for blessing me with such fantastic friends, and for loving me enough to let me come to this earth to learn, to grow, to laugh, to cry, and to love. This race was definitely an experience I will never forget.

Something else I did this year was move to the East Coast. That's right, I moved to the nation's capital, Washington, D.C. This has been one of the most trying experiences of the year, but I also have been able to learn and experience so much. About myself, about what I value, about others (big time!), and about what I want in life. I've been able to travel and see places I've only dreamed about visiting. And all in the process, I have grown spiritually so much. My faith and reliance upon Heavenly Father has indeed been going through the refiner's fire. But I have found so much solace in prayer, in church leaders, in friends, in service, and especially in the scriptures. I cannot tell you how much I love the Book of Mormon. It has brought me an incredible amount of peace and joy, which are two things that I crave to feel. And not superficial happiness or comfort, but long-lasting, enduring peace and joy. I've learned a lot about these two things this fall and hope that I will remember what I've learned.

Overall, as I look back on this year and the last five years for that matter, I think how I could not have imagined my life turning out how it has so far. I NEVER would have thought I would have traveled to Europe twice, submitted an article for professional publication, moved all the way across the country, and most especially, meet all of the people I met. I am so grateful. My heart is full and I cannot begin to describe how much love I have for the people I had close contact with over the last five years. I also can't help but laugh to myself because I know that when I started out as a Freshman in 2009, I had a very specific and set plan for what I wanted and how I would get it. But now, I see that Heavenly Father has influenced my life so much and put people, experiences, and opportunities in my way to not only alter my whole life plan, but change it for the better. I can just hear Him saying, "I know you thought it would be this way, Katie, but I'm going to teach you something new."

I have most definitely been the clay in his hands, the raw elements he has molded and will continue to mold with His infinite knowledge and love. I too love Him dearly and am likewise so grateful for the Savior, Jesus Christ, who also loves me with an infinite and eternal love. My testimony of Him and His Atonement have grown so much over the course of the last five years, and especially within this year. He lives. His Atonement is the ultimate gift. I don't think it is any coincidence that we end our year with the Christmas and New Year holidays where our hearts are a little more open and our minds are drawn to a remembrance of what we have done in the last year. I can't wait for more adventures to come. I'm a little frightened and enthused, but I guess only time will tell what happens in 2015. :)

You've been good to me 2014. Full of surprises and everything in between. :) Can't wait to see what next year brings.



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