Dealing with...withdrawal.

     Well, it has been about a month and a half since I have been home from Britain and I am having serious withdrawals.  (It also doesn't help that at the moment I am watching 'North & South', a film based in England...).
     I have been thinking a lot about what I learned on my trip, sort of as a way to say goodbye to Great Britain.  Obviously it has taken me a long time to think of exactly what I want to say. :)
     One thing I miss greatly is the hustle and bustle of London life.  The more time that passed while I lived there, the more I felt like it had become my home.  Brooke and I often joked that Soho was our place.  I also loved the connection I felt with Scotland because of my family ties to it.  When we went we to the Battlefield of Culloden, I was overcome with emotion when I thought that MY past ancestors had fought for freedom right where I was standing.  The thing that I miss the most, however, would have to be the countless opportunities I had to share the Gospel with people.
     I dare not compare my trip to a mission, or make the claim that I can't have as many missionary opportunities here in Provo, but one thing that struck me was the likeness my trip was to a mission.  Not only did I have opportunities to talk specifically about the Gospel with individuals who had never heard of it before, but the way that the members of my group dressed and acted was a manifestation of our membership to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  One one account, we had all gone to the Tower of London as a group that day.  I happened to be wearing my Young Women's Medallion when a man at the register in the gift shop asked me what building was on my necklace.  I told him that it was the Temple of my Church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  He asked if it was a christian church and I told him that it most certainly was.  He then proceeded to tell me that it was a very beautiful building, and of course I agreed with him.  After that experience, I was filled with the love and excitement that I imagine fills a Greenie's heart his/her first day out in the mission field. 
     I came to appreciate so much the life that I had back in America, one filled with numerous opportunitites (like the opportunity to study abroad, for example), and even more the life I have had as a member of the Church.  I know that the happiness I have experienced in my life has been because of the blessings I have received from the Gospel. 
     Ultimately, I loved my time in Britain SO much, and I would never trade any of my experiences for the money I might have saved if I had stayed home this summer. :)  I know I will go back one day!...especially if I am going to retrieve my soul from that one beach in Ireland. :)  Here are some pictures from the last two weeks of my trip (mostly from Scotland).
Did you know that the Fraser Clan is known for being redheaded? :)
Me atop Hadrian's Wall
At Lake Lochness...and yes, I actually saw the monster.
I don't think I could make it into the army at Stirling Castle...mostly because I am not wooden. :)
Driving through the Scottish countryside...absolutely beautiful.
     Oh, before I forget, I better mention how much I love my professors (and their families) from my trip! I will forever think of each one of them as my own family member! Here are a couple of pictures of them, just as a little tribute to how awesome they are!
The Gardner Family...I love them! From left to right: Grant (he's 11), Bro. Gardner, Sis. Gardner, Owen (he's 15), Neal (he's 18), and Spencer (he's 21).
The Anderson Family...I also love them! From left to right: Bro. Anderson and Sis. Anderson. :)

Until next time everyone! I'm sure I will still be talking about my Study Abroad trip then too. :)


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