Zombie Mania...

Okay, seriously society? Why the obsession with zombies?! It's kind of disturbing and gross. I mean with the development of The Walking Dead series and the new Warm Bodies movie...it kind of makes me want to throw up! Both of these look terrible! It's just another ploy to get another SUPER inappropriate series/teen movie out that has WAY too much sexual content in it.

So I ask again, why the popularity with zombies? Why can't we be fixated on something/someone that is actually real and good? Something that could solve world hunger or bring world peace? I guess what I'm just trying to express is my distaste for what content is put in these sort of movies/TV series and ultimately what condition the "world" is in...it just ended up to be taken out on zombies...sorry. (I mean, if this were a few years ago, I probably would be doing the same about vampires...)

Anyway, just thought I needed to separate myself from the majority of other voices cheering for this craze...

But let me know what you think! If you like zombies, I promise I won't hold it against you.


  1. i agree with you, except that i liked the movie warm bodies. I thought it had a really good message. but i don't get the zombie craze either. it's actually pretty disturbing, the whole idea of zombies. gives me a weird feeling. so even though i enjoyed the message of warm bodies, i still had a difficult time watching it, and i feel like it will only go downhill from here.


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