And the Oscar goes to...

I would normally not consider myself one who cares much for Hollywood (or the drama that goes along with it), but I do have to admit that the Oscars were mildly fun to watch.  I know of several people who watched them and it just surprises me that that many were.  I guess we all can't help but love the glamour to a certain extent.  :)

Actually, I was pondering why so many people tuned in to the night on the red carpet and I think it is because it makes us feel a part of something bigger.  It brings back a little nostalgia, especially with the  amount of singing and dancing in the program this year! As for the host, who knew Seth McFarlane had such a good voice?! Definitely not me.  It really brought back the memories of how Hollywood used to be.

As for the winners, I can't complain! I am VERY glad that Daniel Day-Lewis won for best actor.  While playing the part of Abraham Lincoln, he never once went out of character. Not even on set in between scenes! If that's not dedication, I don't know what is.

The others who won also won very deservedly, although the competition was outstanding! 2012 was just a great year in film.

Host, Seth McFarlane

Winners: Daniel Day-Lewis (Best Actor - Lincoln), Jennifer Lawrence (Best Actress - Silver Linings Playbook), Anne Hathaway (Best Supporting Actress - Les Miserables), and Christoph Waltz (Best Supporting Actor - Django Unchained)


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