So a lot has happened since the last time I blogged…let’s just say that I have been a little busy. Over the last couple of weeks I have been doing so many new things with my group and it has been great to say the least. I went to a Globe Theatre performance (All’s Well That Ends Well), I went to Paris for 3 days, I took a walk through Kentish countryside, I went on a punting ride in Cambridge, and not to mention I saw Harry Potter 7.2 at the midnight showing in London. What’s so cool about that, you say? Well I saw it about 7 hours before everyone else did…J.
     What has been going on this last week has been exciting, but also very exhausting! We took our leave from London last Monday (sad, I know) and started our journey north. On Tuesday we stopped in Stratford-Upon-Avon to see Anne Hathaway’s Cottage and Warwick Castle, then Wednesday we made our way to Liverpool to see the Beatles Museum, and then to York on Thursday to see Fountains Abbey, and then to the Lake District on Friday to see Beatrix Potter’s House (the author of Peter Rabbit), and then finally arrived in Edinburgh on Saturday evening! Whew! So much traveling! Of course there are many more things that I saw, like the birthplace of William Shakespeare and Hadrian’s Wall, but this is the basic outline of last week.
     I have to say that I was so happy when we got into Scotland. When we were first driving into the country, I had been sleeping, but almost the instant we crossed the border, I heard bagpipe music blaring from the front of the bus. It immediately woke me up and I opened my eyes and said quite loudly, “Yes! We’re in Scotland!”, while throwing a fist into the air triumphantly.  I came to find out that it was my professor, Bro. Gardner, who was holding up his computer for everyone to hear MoTab sing ‘Amazing Grace’ accompanied by bagpipes. Pretty much the best.
     I have now been in Scotland for about a day and a half, and I can honestly say that I think Scottish accents are the coolest! I mean I think I can pull off an English accent or maybe even an Irish accent, but Scottish is just so different from American English that, for me, it is so hard to imitate! I love it! Anyway, today we went to church in the Edinburgh ward and then took a little hike up a hill to see this place called Arthur’s Seat. Arthur’s Seat is the place where the country of Scotland was first dedicated to have the gospel preached in its borders. Quite amazing. The hike was a little rough, but the opportunity to see everything at the top of the foothill was priceless. Absolutely beautiful.
     So tomorrow I go to Inverness, where Lake Lochness is. I’m really excited about that, mostly because my niece Sydney really wants me to get her a postcard or something from there. I think I might also look for a tartan or a kilt, yes a kilt, with the plaid design from my family’s clan. I will have to write more about the experiences that I haven’t written much about yet when I get home. You see, I have a very limited amount of time on the internet here. Love you all.
Kentish countryside with my best bud, Brooke. We are like two peas in a pod, or as she likes to say, "peas and carrots".

At the Imperial War Museum.
Being Egyptians at the Obelisque in Paris. We're totes cool.

Eiffel Tower!

Shakespeare's Birthplace

Beatles Museum! And yes we are matching in our 60's mod dresses...

Beautiful hills of Scotland and the city of Edinburgh in the back. I wish I could capture just how pretty is really is....and Dad, I know you would love it here!


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