Riverdance, Castles, & Healing Waters

So this last week and a half has flown by, mostly because my group has so much to do every single day! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE IT!...it can just be a little exhausting. :) 
On Tuesday, June 28th, my group went to RIVERDANCE at the Gaiety Theater in Dublin. It was absolutely incredible! I thought I went in with pretty high expectations, but I was blown away by how talented the Irish dancers were! I definitely think that was my favorite part about Dublin. 
After Dublin, we took the ferry to Wales and spent the first night there in a little town called Beaumaris. There was a castle located approximately 3 blocks away from our hotel, and it was beautiful to see. The Welsh castles are different than Irish castles, in that they are more intricate and a little easier on the eyes. After Beaumaris, we traveled to Cardiff, the capitol of Wales. Before leaving Cardiff the next day, we stopped to look at Cardiff Castle. Let me tell you...it was gorgeous!!! This castle was my favorite to visit so far. 
Next my group traveled to Bristol, England. I cannot tell you how much relief and excitement I felt to finally be in English country! Wales was wonderful to see and drive through, but that's pretty much all we did in Wales...rode on a bus. 
I have been in Bristol for about 1 day now and I absolutely love it! The amount of good-looking Welshmen and Irishmen pale in comparison when it comes to Englishmen. :) Last night we went out for a night on the town, and found some pretty great pubs/dance clubs. It seems crazy to me, but literally the night starts in the UK at about 10:30 pm every night...however, that is coming from a girl who grew up in Idaho. 
Today we went to Bath to try the healing waters. It was so cool to be in a place that gets mentioned in classical literature all of the time! The water itself tasted nasty, but I tried it anyway. :) We were taken on a 2 hour tour guide through the city of Bath, and I can honestly say that I learned a ton! We also stopped by the Jane Austen Center and got to see the house she lived in for about 5 years of her life. It was so great! 

Brooke and I in front of the Gaiety Theater...if you can't tell we are super excited to see RIVERDANCE :)

Cardiff Castle in all its splendor.

Overall, this last week has been a blast! I wasn't able to fit in everything I have done in this little post, but I did write about a couple of my favorite parts about this last week. I would post pictures right now, but my camera just died...sorry. I will post more pictures soon! Love you all! -Katie


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