
Showing posts from 2015

Sabbath Day Reflections

Yesterday, I was privileged to speak in my church about one of Christ's parables. I thought it would be a good idea for me to post here what I spoke about because I believe these words to be true and invite anyone who reads and has questions, to please feel free to ask me about what I believe. I'm always willing to share! Katie Washington D.C. 2 nd Ward Talk – May 10, 2015 Laborers in the Vineyard & God’s Infinite Kindness – Matthew 20: 1-16, Alma 36:17-21, D&C 121, Isaiah 54:10 Good morning everyone. My name is Katie Klotzer, for those of you who don’t know me, and I have been in the ward since the beginning of September of last year. I feel so grateful to be able to speak to you today as I have felt so full and edified by the Spirit these last few months. I have so much to be grateful for and I feel humbled to talk about what I know to be true. I want to talk to you today about a parable that I have had the opportunity to learn more about, especi

What Is My Dream?

About 2 weeks ago, I bought this beautiful book. I mean beautiful in every sense of the word. Its illustrations are beautiful and its words are beautiful. Everything about it is beautiful. It's called Start Today and after reading through half of the simple, yet compelling pages, I read, "You can decide how much distance there will be between the life you have and the life you want ." A few pages later, "Get good at recognizing your dream. Get so good that when it is arriving, you can see it coming and run to meet it." I know I've heard some version of these words before, but they resounded deep within my soul as I read them anew. I pondered what they truly meant to me . It then prodded the question, "What is my  dream?" So what is my dream? At first, all I could think was, "I don't know....many things." But, as I've continued to think about this, I realized a few things that are my dream. My dream is to love God more than