Maybe I should go to Law School...

So I was going to post about this last week, but to tell the whole truth, I just ran out of time! Last week, my media class became a court room; that's right, we held a mock trial in the basement of the JKB. :) The case was about prohibiting the sale of video games to minors, with the two sides being the protection of minors vs. the freedom of speech.  There were many roles for which we could volunteer for, such as bailiff, witness, lawyer, etc., but I volunteered to be a lawyer for the below reasons:

  1. I didn't have to write a paper that the rest of the class did!
  2. I've always wanted to be a lawyer in real life! (But really I was planning on going to law school for awhile).
  3. I love to argue... :)

My first instinct was to pick to be on the protection of minors side, but the freedom of speech needed more I reluctantly played the devil's advocate and picked the "road less traveled". Surprisingly, I am VERY glad that I ended up on the side I did.  I had to put aside my biases and really analyze why prohibiting the sale of video games to minors is unconstitutional.  This class assignment really made me look through different colored lenses and helped me to become more objective when discussing media matters that could easily be influenced by my morals or emotions.  Overall, I LOVED this assignment and do have to admit that it felt great when I succeeded in my cross-examination of the witnesses. Maybe I should go to Law School after all.... :)

Here are some pictures and the review of the trial! Enjoy!

What I would look like if I were a real lawyer.

A sketch of the proceedings...I think you can tell which one is me.
Cross-examining a witness!
* Although the final verdict says it was "unanimous", I have it on good report that it was not! Either way, my team did awesome! We made some great points and worked really hard. I guess we can take comfort in the fact that if this were a real court case, our side would have won. :)


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