
Showing posts from April, 2013

Maybe I should go to Law School...

So I was going to post about this last week, but to tell the whole truth, I just ran out of time! Last week, my media class became a court room; that's right, we held a mock trial in the basement of the JKB. :) The case was about prohibiting the sale of video games to minors, with the two sides being the protection of minors vs. the freedom of speech.  There were many roles for which we could volunteer for, such as bailiff, witness, lawyer, etc., but I volunteered to be a lawyer for the below reasons: I didn't have to write a paper that the rest of the class did! I've always wanted to be a lawyer in real life! (But really I was planning on going to law school for awhile). I love to argue... :) My first instinct was to pick to be on the protection of minors side, but the freedom of speech needed more I reluctantly played the devil's advocate and picked the "road less traveled". Surprisingly, I am VERY glad that I ended up on the side I d

Dear Mr. State Representative,

So the assignment I had due in class today was to write a persuasive letter to someone in authority (i.e. a state representative, senator, the FCC, the ESRB, etc.) regarding something that should change concerning media.  I looked through my notes and thought about what I had learned over the course of the semester and decided to write about implementing a book rating system.  I had a hard time choosing who I would address my letter to, seeing as there are absolutely NO review boards for book I decided to pose this question to my local government, specifically Utah State Representative, Jason Chaffetz.  Below is my full letter, but I have to add that this is a very important topic! Many books have SO much inappropriate and harmful content, but they are not monitored like video games or movies...and this is not okay!  Children and adolescents become more aggressive (among other negative side affects) when they read about aggression in books.  This detracts from their overal