
     I am in complete shock right now. Something happened today that I thought would never happen while I was here in London, but it did....Guess I was wrong, huh?
     Don't worry everyone! I am making this sound completely dramatic for effect's sake. I think now is the perfect time to tell you what happened to me today...........I got a ticket to the World Premiere of Harry Potter 7.2!!!! I'm talking red carpet, over 8,000 screaming fans, and the Weasley twins up close and personal. My life is officially complete.
     You may be asking how did such an impossible feat get conquered? It literally was impossible to tickets earlier today, but we just happened to be in the right place at the right time saying the right things. (And by the four of us, I mean me, Catie L., Kelsey F., and Cydnee S.).
     We were actually on our way to go to our first Broadway show in London, The Phantom of the Opera, when we walked by Trafalgar Square. We had stopped by earlier this afternoon and a man had told us that there was no way that we were going to get tickets that late in the day, so we decided to just forget about it and do something else. However, at about 6:45 pm (45 minutes before our show started) we noticed that the line was unusually short and that some guards were still handing out tickets. Spontaneously, we jumped in line just to see if we could get tickets, with the intentions/expectations that we probably wouldn't. Alas, when it came to about 10 people in line ahead of us, the guards kept saying,"No more, no more.". We got a little anxious, but we persevered nonetheless. At about 3 people ahead of us, I decided to scream out, "It's my birthday tomorrow! Please, I need to be at this premiere on my birthday!". I honestly thought that the guard handing out the tickets was going to look at me and laugh in my face while muttering, "Nice try", but he actually smiled at me and told me to come on down as I would get the last ticket they had. I was in a complete state of shock, and I'm pretty sure the girl in front of me gave me a death glare, but all I could do was rejoice because I have been dreaming about this for only the last 6 months!
     After the first moments of shock wore off, I realized, "Crap! I can't go to this alone! I'm not allowed to be in the city by myself!". So I started to beg the guard to please give my 3 friends tickets too. I knew the guards kept telling everyone they had no more, but that was obviously a lie because they kept giving more and more tickets out. We literally had to fight our way through a group of Uraguayan girls, who were elbowing us in the faces, and an old Spanish grandma in order to beg for more tickets. I don't know if it was something we said, or if we were being especially nice to the guards, but they looked at us four little, mormon girls and relinquished the remaining 3 tickets into our hands.
     We were practically falling all over this guard while saying our 'thank you's', and we found out that his name was Andy. I told him that I really could prove that it was my birthday tomorrow, and so he looked at my driver's license and said with a surprised look on his face, "Wow. You really weren't lying". We all laughed and then asked him what time to show up tomorrow and what the best seat was going to be. After all of the hassle we had put him through, he was still willing to answer our questions. I am SO grateful for Andy!
     All in all, it was a fantastic night! After we attained our HP tickets, we went straight to 'The Phantom of the Opera' on Broadway and I would have to say that that was the cherry on top of a big, huge sundae!
     I can't put into words the electricity and the energy that was present in Trafalgar Square today. I know that tomorrow is going to be the event of a lifetime and I am SO happy that I get to be a part of it! I will have to let you all know what happens and if any of the Weasley boys profess their love for me and my red hair. I love you all! -Katie

Can you guess which one is my arm? :)
Again, showing off our bracelets. You would think they were made out of gold by the way we were treating them.
And last but not least, a close up of the bracelet/ticket.


  1. Can I just say I've never been more jealous of anything in my LIFE?!? I hope you had a blast!!! :) I can't wait to hear all about it.


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